

206 Fourth St
Shambaugh IA 51651-8005

Invoice Number INV-1103
Invoice Date September 20, 2023
Due Date September 27, 2023
Total Due $4,560.00
Quickpay Funding LLC
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
76 Additional Support Hours

(56) Security Updates and Patching
9/5 - 4 hours
9/6 - 2 hours
9/7 - 3 hours
9/8 - 2 hours
9/9 - 4 hours
9/10 - 8 hours
9/12 - 8 hours
9/12 - 8 hours
9/13 - 5 hours
9/14 - 6 hours
9/15 - 3 hours
9/16 - 3 hours
(10) Server Replacement
9/9 - 5 hours
9/10 - 5 hours
(7) Thin client issues
9/6 - 1 hour
9/7 - 1 hour
9/11 - 2 hours
9/14 - 2 hours
9/15 - 1 hour

This period we replaced the server with the failed clock module with 2 other servers, as parts availability for the older server was being affected by the global chip shortage. There are still some stability issues relating to the desktop gateway which hopefully will be resolved this coming period.

Sub Total $4,560.00
Tax $0.00
Total Due $4,560.00