

206 Fourth St
Shambaugh IA 51651-8005

Invoice Number INV-1100
Invoice Date August 8, 2023
Due Date August 15, 2023
Total Due $4,740.00
Quickpay Funding LLC
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Premiere Support

(8 hours free support, $60/hr for additional hours as necessary)

69 Additional Support Hours

(41) Security Updates and Patching
(17) Virtualization Platform optimization
(7) Server clock failure incident
(5) Server hardware upgrades
(4) Phone system replacement investigation
(3) Thin client issues

This month we finished the migration from Hyper-V to VMWare's vSphere product. We're now running on the latest version of their vSphere platform (8.0U1). This month's focus will be on making sure the virtual workloads are distributed properly, that alerting/monitoring/security are set correctly throughout the environment, and that we publish our platform dashboard so management can have visibility to it. We went ahead and did the first 2 passes of optimization of the platform; fine-tuning the workload and the algorithm to place that workload is the next step.

One of the servers has a failed Real-Time Clock (RTC) module. In 30 years in this industry I've never seen this module fail. It will require replacement of that server's motherboard to rectify. I'll follow-up in email with the request and some alternative paths we could take instead.

Sub Total $4,740.00
Tax $0.00
Total Due $4,740.00