

206 Fourth St
Shambaugh IA 51651-8005

Invoice Number INV-1101
Invoice Date August 21, 2023
Due Date August 28, 2023
Total Due $4,440.00
Quickpay Funding LLC
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
74 Additional Support Hours

(45) Security Updates & Patching
(9) Server clock issue
(9) VM workload optimization
(5) Thin Client issues
(4) Phone system upgrade investigation
(2) Network modifications

We've completed the migration to VMWare, now we're optimizing workloads to make sure the machines that need the most speed (virtual desktops, webserver) are getting the performance they need and not being bogged down by less-urgent workloads (domain controllers, security servers, antivirus servers, firewall appliances).

There will be some time coming up next invoice that will be dealing with remediation of a processor-level security update that will require some extended downtime on the physical hosts. I don't expect any availability issues during that time UNLESS the server clock issue rears its ugly head at the same time.

Sub Total $4,440.00
Tax $0.00
Total Due $4,440.00