

206 Fourth St
Shambaugh IA 51651-8005

Invoice Number INV-1102
Invoice Date September 6, 2023
Due Date September 13, 2023
Total Due $4,620.00
Quickpay Funding LLC
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Premiere Support

(8 hours free support, $60/hr for additional hours as necessary)

67 Additional Support Hours

(55) Security Patching and Updates
(9) Ongoing server clock issue
(6) Desktop setups
(3) Thin client issues
(2) Account maintenance

This couple of weeks we were working on stability of the new platform and performance tuning in addition to the usual patching cycle.

A final resolution for the server clock issue is coming this weekend, which should complete stabilization of the platform and allow us some additional time to tune the security.

Sub Total $4,620.00
Tax $0.00
Total Due $4,620.00